Saturday, April 24, 2010

Art Critique by Laara WilliamSen

Canadian Artist Laara WilliamSen, is an International artist, art critic, and curator of note. The power of social media gave us the opportunity to meet and become friends. We forge through this crazed void of the internet and find ourselves connected on numerous groups on Linked In, with first contact through, an artist focused networking site connecting globally.
Laara I am honoured, thank you.

Laara's Review:
"Having viewed Jeanette Luchese’s on line portfolio, it is my pleasure to recommend her as a fine artist.

In many of her well executed city scape abstractions, one can recognize the influence and insight she has gained from the Russian artist, W. Kandinsky. Her video “Reflections of Interference,” offers the viewer Luchese’s original perception of our own fleeting footsteps while leaving us with an intangible sense of our mortal residue. The series of paintings of pillars, doorways and faces, as well as her sculptures, echo the content in the video. The standing square sculpture seems to be central to this series, combining the colours, jagged edges, chaos, promise and even the reflected ambient light found throughout these works of art.

Luchese’s art language is clearly grounded in both method, technique and her deep sense of creative vision. Providing an authentic view of the full spectrum of life from chaos and desolation to hope and clarity, Jeanette Luchese’s works of art provoke, tease, and teach with brilliance."

Laara WilliamSen
Art Critic and Author"

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jeanette! This is just wonderful. You did a very good job on this posting. I would love to see you exhibit in Vancouver, B.C. Especially your videos, selected paintings and one sculpture! Let me know if I may be of any further assistance to you. All the best to you.
    Laara WilliamSen
    Interdisciplinary Artist!!
